Love Children Animals

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Carrots Kingdom

Chapter 20


The lake had been surrounded by the beautiful vivid grass.
The more they approached, the more they heard the singing of birds,
and the sound of the water out of nowhere.

He felt excited.
The water of the lake was cold and transparent, and beautiful, reflecting the color of the green, then,
lots of fish were swimming.

"Look, fish!"
A kitty cried out pointing out one fish which just got leaped in the water.


"I haven't seen such a great fish !”
Having said so, that kitty and others happily ran into the lake,
and, splashed the water.

One pregnant female cat approached and looked into the water then said.
"What a beautiful water. And so many fish, we can finally raise our babies safely."

"I haven't seen such a beautiful place.
Can we really live here ?”
Murmured the Dark kitty, anxiously looking at the beautiful lake.

"Yes, sure.”
Eric replied, and, started to play with the water.

"How sweet, how thankful, and, how generous.
This is what we had been looking for.”

He got deeply touched.

Then, he felt his magic power, transforming any flying vegetables
into fish was becoming so weak.
It was nothing but a borrowed skill from one spirit which had wanted to help him.

He thanked to it and stared at the little kitties that happily
playing and catching fish in the lake.

His long journey was over.

3841 cats including You meaowed.

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